In this issue:
1) Calcium Supplementation Linked to Heart Attacks
2) Cage Free Lizard Meat
3) Thai Pumpkin Soup
4) Chocolate Pudding

Dr. Mitra Ray
Dear Reader:
Happy New Year! It was restful and rejuvenating to be home for the holidays where I was able to spend some quality time with family, and to return to the newsletter. Many of my wonderful readers have contacted me to ask when the next newsletter would be completed, and here it is!
I’ve had a huge number of requests for the dates of my next Be Beautiful: Weight Loss to Wellness Retreat, and I’m happy to announce that it will be held August 7th-14th, 2011. Experience being pampered in the peaceful Pacific Northwest as we guide you through living the fabulous life detailed in the book Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful? We provide an intimate, individualized program, so there are only spots for 12 attendees. Book your space today.
Now that we’re in the thick of winter-weather, it’s more important than ever to provide proper immune support to your body. Cold temperatures alone don’t make people sick, but being sedentary, hanging around indoors with other sick people, and having limited access to sunlight can all impact your immune system. Researchers now know that the majority of immune function takes place in the gut, so what you eat and drink is critically important to your health. There is a recent study that is garnering worldwide media attention on how Juice Plus+® reduces severe cold symptoms. You can take a double serving of Juice Plus+® on stressful days, or if you’re beginning to feel ill. I would also recommend adding extra spices such as garlic, turmeric, and cumin to your cooking to further protect yourself with powerful phytonutrients that work better than drugs.
On the other hand I have always been opposed to regular use of isolated vitamins and other nutrients as they can cause a whole host of problems for the human body. Not surprisingly, the research now supports that notion. Such is the case with calcium supplementation, which has been especially confusing. In light of recent research that indicates increased risk of heart attack for people who take calcium, I want to talk more about this greatly misunderstood nutrient.
Another topic that has been reported on a great deal lately is the debate over whether or not a vegetarian (I prefer to call it plant-based, whole-food) diet is the healthiest choice for most people. Organic, cage-free Lizard meat may be the answer for all of us, so read on to find out what you can do to get or stay healthy!
I’d like to encourage you to visit our Q&A page on the website if you haven’t done so recently. There is a wealth of information and many articles on nutrition, beauty, supplementation, and healthy lifestyles, so please check it out!
Finally, we are thrilled to announce that the Institute of Plant Science and Nutrition is about to embark on a new study. We are formulating an all natural, all-in-one, facial care product that I helped create. You won’t believe how easy it is, and how beautiful you’ll look and feel. More information will be forthcoming in our next newsletter, so stay tuned!
Enjoy the winter!
Here’s to your health,
Dr. Mitra Ray
Women’s Detox and Rejuvenation Retreat, August 7 – 14, 2011
Join Dr. Ray and other experts for a week-long workshop focused on weight loss and the development of lifelong habits for wellness.
Learn more details about this retreat.
Simple and Delicious: Recipes for Vitality
This beautifully crafted piece contains delicious, simple recipes that nurture health, weight loss, and vitality.
Next Pages:
Calcium Supplementation Linked to Heart Attacks