In This Issue:
1) New FAQ page
2) Recommended Reading List
Happy June,
I’d like to announce some exciting news! First, we have made two new additions to our website. We are now featuring a greatly expanded Dr. Mitra Ray Answers Questions/FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page and an all-new Recommended Reading Page.
Second, I am very excited about the completion of a brand new 2 CD Audio Book production of Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful! Keep an eye out for the July edition of our newsletter for more details and the chance to be among the first readers to place an order. And speaking of our newsletter…
Because we receive so many questions from our readers, we are also planning to publish a Q&A edition of our newsletter every other month, starting in August. We’ll still be sending out our regular bi-monthly newsletters, full of helpful articles and recipes, but we wanted to respond to all of the questions that people regularly send in. So our new Q&A newsletter will alternate monthly with the regular newsletter that you already receive.
As always, if you would like to submit a question to be answered, please use our Contact Us Form.
May this new information be refreshing, insightful, and helpful in your wellness journey.
Happy summer! Here’s to your health,
Dr. Mitra Ray
Recommended Reading
I get a lot of requests for book suggestions, so we decided to put together a short list of recommended reading. Some of the books we recommend without reservation; others are books that we like, but we offer a few caveats before advising anyone to read them.
Click here to see our most current Recommended Reading list…
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