Dr. Mitra Ray
Over 90% of your calories should come from the plant-kingdom: vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These foods provide the body with the essential nutrients necessary for a long and healthy life. Processed foods and animal products are the mainstay of the catastrophe that is the American diet and they are responsible for the current obesity and chronic illness statistics. This is no longer up for scientific debate. TheNew York Times has recognized The China Study (China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project) as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology”, and the “most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.” This study has shown us that animal products in our diet are the main cause of most of the chronic illness we face today.
So what to do:
- Eat more plants
- Avoid processed foods and animal products (restrict to less than 10% of your caloric intake)
- Take a whole-food, plant-based supplement. As a biochemist, the one I recommend to clients is backed by independent, clinical studies – Juice Plus+®