All oils are extracted from whole foods, and are not good for you. Additionally, olive oil has too much Omega 6, which throws your ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 off. Canola oil is the only oil I would recommend using sparingly in cooking, if you must use oil. It is not genetically modified, contrary to Internet propaganda. It’s actually called rapeseed oil in other parts of the world, but because people in the US may be adverse to the word “rape”, they call it Canola oil (because it mostly comes from Canada for the US Market). But no extract oils are good for you – refined fat is like isolated vitamins. That is why I recommend whole, ground flax seeds – a great source of omegas 3 and 6 in proper ratios, and in whole food form.
Click here to read more about fish oils in this newsletter article.
Taking too many supplements? Ask Dr. Mitra Ray what supplements you’re taking right now that are redundant or unhelpful. Schedule a consultation today.
Read Dr. Mitra Ray’s article on fish oil here.