What does it take to lose those inches and feel lighter? Over the years we’ve all read the books and tried the diets: the Zone, Body for Life, the South Beach Diet, and on and on the list goes. The weight comes off and the weight comes back on. We’ve counted calories, carbs, and glycemic index. We’ve nibbled, we’ve fasted, we’ve exercised. And the obesity numbers keep going up.
There are skinny people out there, so we know it’s possible to be skinny. But how do you accomplish this long term? Believe it or not, there are simple secrets to staying slim, and you may never have heard of some of them. In an upcoming retreat in January we will be discussing:
• The Anatomy of Weight Loss
• The Physiology of Weight Loss
• The Biochemistry of Weight Loss
• The Psychology Weight Loss
Certain foods are sticky. Certain foods dehydrate you. Certain foods get stuck in different places in your gut, and by looking at the size and shape of your gut you can determine where food is getting stuck. Then there is fat retention and water retention, which actually have little to do with your caloric intake. The reality is that toxins accumulate in the body over time, and these toxins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble.
It is not that at 40 your metabolism slows down and you get fat. It is that after 40 years on this planet, your body has accumulated an overload of toxins and the liver is overworked. The toxins get surrounded by water or fat molecules, depending on their chemical nature, which is a protective mechanism to keep them away from vital organs and tissue. This leads to water and fat retention. In order to learn the real secrets behind weight loss, we have to appreciate the biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy of weight loss. These topics will be extensively covered at the Weight Loss to Wellness Retreat, January 7 – 14.

Dr. Ray Weightloss Retreat Info
Learn More. Spend a Week with Dr. Mitra Ray at the Weightloss & Wellness Retreat, Jan 2010

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