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There are two ways we can help with your health and beauty-related questions.
1) If you have a general health-related question, please visit our Newsletter Archives and Questions and Answers section of our website.
2) If you would like to receive personalized attention and talk with Dr. Mitra Ray, one-on-one, she is available for private consultations. You can learn more and purchase a consultation here.
We sincerely thank you for your readership!
Shining Star Media, Inc
PO Box 383
Marysville, WA 98270
We look forward to hearing from you and will reply as soon as possible.
Dr. Mitra Ray,
I went online and watched your latest U-Tube interview with some R.D. lady. I was really impressed with your knowledge on how and why JuicePlus works and how it works. Seems to me the last 5-7 years certain companies are trying to copy JuicePlus. I saw one company from Washington State been around since 2016 ( non mlm or Network Marketing company )……Advertise there two products. I did like the fact that they added 7 different mushrooms to their Greens or Vegetables formula. They claim all Organic and non GMO. Never tried there products. What I was impressed by was JuicePlus’s New shake for Sports and the other ones as well. What I like to see eventually is Juice plus completely all plastics because of the reason our landfills worldwide are filled and including the Oceans are filled with plastic. Did that ever occur to the company to make a swift change for the environment? How do I order JuicePlus as a consumer at wholesale pricing? I was diagnosed as a child with mild epilepsy symptoms, but when I go for my blood allergy test on what foods to avoid I will finally know what foods to avoid. I eat cleanly as possible. Thank you for your time.
Hi there. We will reach out to you directly so check your email!