Happy August!
Here in the Pacific Northwest we’re in the thick of summer, and finally enjoying some hot weather. Fall will be here before I know it though, and while that usually signals a slowing-down of gardening and food-growing in our area, that’s not the case for us. With our small family farm, which we’re able to maintain with about 4 hours a week of work during the peak months, we grow our own produce year round. Here is part 2 of the blog that my husband Doug and I wrote about growing our own food.
I have a new book recommendation this month. Click here to read my short review of Disconnect, by Dr. Devra Davis.
Looking for an easy summer dish to throw together for your family? Check out this garlic lemon quinoa salad, (which is delicious during other seasons, too). Quinoa has a lot of protein, calcium, and iron, and this makes a a yummy one-dish meal if you toss in a handful or cooked or raw greens.
Here’s to your health,
Dr. Mitra Ray